

Screening is mandatory.
 Before we can confirm our appointment all new friends must submit their verification information. I require real-world information for screening.


Regrettably, my cozy haven isn't available for hosting, but I would be delighted to orchestrate our meeting at a chic venue for an added dash of elegance. For those craving the pinnacle of opulence, don't hesitate to inquire about my highly sought-after Suite Experience package, meticulously crafted to impress even my most discerning critics 😉


Gifts are like secrets—best kept tucked away until the perfect moment. So, if we’re meeting in public, slip that envelope into a chic gift bag or hide it within the pages of a special art book. And here’s a tip: presenting it in a restaurant takeaway bag with a sweet indulgence or a fine bottle of wine? Well, that’s the kind of surprise that earns you some serious brownie points!


As the saying goes, cleanliness is next to godliness. Research shows that starting a date with a sudsy shower, tidy grooming, and fresh breath sets the perfect tone!


I don’t go on tours; instead, I prefer to visit select cities upon request and make the most of my time there. If you’re interested in meeting but can’t make it to Los Angeles, a Fly Me To You (FMTY) arrangement is your best option. Overnight and multi-day trips require 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep and an hour or two for personal time (whether it’s for pilates, a run, a phone call, a latte, or a face mask).